Justin Reti

justin reti headshot

Hello, my name is Justin.

I make websites, apps, and generally mess around on the web.


rankedhammer screenshot


Web application for competitive gaming league management.

Project goals & learnings

  • To learn react and further explore deployment to Netlify
  • Utilise a more robust research and design process to guide development

Technologies & Platforms

React, JS, Express, Mongo, Netlify

Live Front-End Repo Back-End Repo
rankedhammer screenshot

40k Math

Native Android companion application for tabletop wargaming.

Project goals & learnings

  • Launch a basic application to explore the Android/Google development and deployment ecosystem

Technologies & Platforms

Java, Android Studio/Google Play

rankedhammer screenshot


Marketing brochure website for digital marketing agency

Project goals & learnings

  • Learn CSS grid
  • Combine marketing knowledge with CSS to create a best practice landing page designed for conversion optimization
  • Create a modern looking website with raw HTML/CSS

Technologies & Platforms

